So I guess I was listening to way too much Crimpshrine. I guess everyone around me was saying nothing but negative things. I guess I was only thinking negative things. So I wrote a song about how we need to build each other up as opposed to breaking each other down. It then became our slogan to spread to the world on t-shirts and now buttons. I always hate being on the borderline of being preachy but I also hate the constant feeling of wanting to tell people to shut the hell up. My mother used to say the "if you don't have anything nice to say..." thing. I say to the new generation: "STOP TALKING SHIT." We will be spreading this message as we go up North on tour. When we return we will be recording this super-jam. Maybe we will die on tour and you'll say I should have gone and seen them and heard that song at least once. Who cares life is trivial. Why not whatever. Die happy.